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Black Knight Player Guidelines

BK Player Guidelines



Black Knight relies encourages all fans and athletes to be ambassadors and diplomats to the sport and Black Knight. Here is a small list of suggestions on how everyone can make a difference.

Black Knight Product Catalog  (  

  • Add a Product Review for the racquet that you play with as well as any other Black Knight equipment that you use.
  • Each product on the online catalog  allows you to
    1-Share on Facebook
    2- Tweet the item to your friends
    3- email a product  to your friends
    4- Pinterest a racquet


Spreading the word social media and anything else that works !

  • Go through your contacts and think of sending an inviting them to follow are like Black Knight  or recommend the product that they might like ( even if they are not squash and badminton players there are excellent choice )
  • Snap  a photo or make a video - that is interesting or “viral worthy” Send it to your contact and we will post ( instagram etc  )
  • Contact bloggers who are passionate about squash and badminton and get a conversation or make a recommendation for them to review Black Knight products


Local Events or Training centers

  • Attend tournaments or events even if you're not playing and use the opportunity to talk about Black Knight
  • Grab a photos of Black Knight products or players  … Casual or surprise spontaneous photos J
  • When at your sports club make sure to talk about your Black Knight racquet
  • If you spot other players using other racquets start a conversation and be sure to highlight some of the advantages of Black knight


Stores and Retailers

  • Visit local stores that carry Black Knight products have a look at the display and talk to the sales people exchange ideas and feedback
  • Ask about or mention products that you think are worthwhile additions to the store



Plan your own Event

  • Be creative at your club and with your squash and badminton partners.
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